14th May 2024

Techyard News

Navigating the Data and Tech Recruitment Landscape in the UK: Trends in 2024


As we stride into 2024, the recruitment landscape in the UK continues to metamorphose, especially in the domains of data and technology. In this blog, we'll delve into some key trends shaping the data and tech recruitment market this year, underpinned by statistics, shedding light on implications for both employers and job seekers.

  1. Hybrid working in an ever changing recruitment landscape:

The remote work revolution, catalysed by the pandemic, has permanently altered the recruitment paradigm. According to a recent survey by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 62% of UK employees now work remotely at least some of the time. This shift has broadened talent acquisition horizons, enabling companies to tap into a diverse pool of candidates beyond geographical confines. However there has been a drive from Big Tech to get employees back into the office (at least 40% of the time), which has trickled down. Change in legislation (Employment Relations Flexible Working Act 2024) will certainly be something to monitor over the coming years as the recruitment market continues its ever changing landscape

  1. Skills in High Demand:

In the data and tech sectors, certain skills remain in perennial demand. A report by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) reveals that roles requiring expertise in data science, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity have experienced a 20% increase in demand compared to the previous year. Moreover, soft skills such as creativity and emotional intelligence are increasingly valued by employers seeking well-rounded candidates.

  1. Advancement of AI and Technology Drives Recruitment Innovation:

Technology remains the linchpin of recruitment innovation in 2024, empowering recruiters to streamline processes and enhance candidate experiences. According to a study by the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), 87% of UK recruiters utilise AI-powered tools for tasks such as candidate screening, matching. Furthermore, virtual reality is revolutionising the interview process, offering immersive and interactive experiences for both candidates and hiring managers.


2023 was a year of evaluation for the global recruitment market, not just within technology and data. The combination of big tech layoffs and cautiousness of hiring, grew the candidates' supply.

There are, however, significant signs of confidence starting to grow across the UK, EMEA and USA. The instability that plagued many parts of the global economy in 2023 are appearing to settle. Interest rates have plateaued, recession fears have eased and inflation appears to have stagnated for the first time since the pandemic. 

There has been big swings in who drives the market in the last 4 years. It has shifted from an employer driven market, to an employee focused one before seeming to meet in the middle. One common trend that has run throughout and will, in my opinion, only continue to grow is employee engagement. The pandemic drove not just wage growth but also the development of employee perks and benefits. This employee engagement and organisations ability to adapt and change to employees demands, will and divide who sinks and who swims as the economy becomes more bullish.